Ann-Kathrin Latter's ShopAverage Rating4.43(based on 31 reviews)I am a Native German speaker and publish lessons in German and Spanish. Edit shopAdd a resource
alatterFasching/ Karneval/ Fastnacht - German Festivals GCSE - incl. ICT(1)complete lesson on carnival in Germany (and other cities around the world). Includes an interactive tour on Google Earth with video links and exercises.
alatterStimmt 2 Kannst du kochen? Imperativ Essen und Trinken(0)Resources for the Chapter “Kannst du kochen?” Includes wiritng practice, games, retrieval practice etc.
alatterKinoklub - Stimmt 2 - Filme und Kino(0)Complete material for “Kinoklub” topic, should last several lessons. Includes some Conti-style material
alatterFreizeit ist toll. Hobbies/ Passtimes German(0)Lesson about passtimes and things to do in your freetime Y7 including battleships game perfect for Stimmt 1
alatterIm Klassenzimmer Deutsch Ideal for Stimmt 1 Two lessons Including games and retrieval practice(1)Module on School / Classroom Explaining prepositions and introducing important classroom vocabulary
alatterZum Frühstück. Essen und trinken. Ist das gesund? (Stimmt 2)(0)Powerpoint presentation with speaking practice and games plus writing task
alatterSouvenirs Wir gehen einkaufen. Shopping. Stimmt 1(0)Powerpoint for entire chapter (several lessons) including games, speaking practice and retrieval tasks
alatterIch bin Online German Y7 Lessons for teaching online activities Freizeit / freetime(0)perfect when using the stimmt books includes several games and retrieval practice
alatterTag der deutschen Einheit - German GCSE - incl. ICT(2)complete lesson about the day of German unity and the history around the GDR
alatterFamilie im Wandel AQA - Hodder German - Einführung und Scheidung (Teil 1) incl ICT(0)perfect for the Hodder textbook first part of the chapter “Familie im Wandel” incl. several forms of ICT : videos, learning apps, etc
alatterGerman GCSE Higher Stadt oder Land - Living in a city or in the countryside(0)Reading, grammar, and translation practice
alatterIm Training Stimmt 2 Gesund leben healthy lifestyle(0)Complete lesson material for the Chapter on healthy living can be used with other textbooks includes games, speaking practice, etc.
alatterKatastrophe! Probleme im Hotel. Albtraumurlaub. Stimmt 2(0)complete lesson includes material for Chapter 1 “Interview” and “Katastrophe”
alatterIch mag meinen Stil (Kleidung und Mode) Stimmt 2(0)complete lesson with vocab practice, games, speaking exercises etc.
alatterGerman Christmas Digital Escape Game (Jingle Jangle Game) Weihnachten(4)Revising the topic of festivals (Christmas)